With glittering lights, crisp weather and a certain kind of merriment in the air, winter weddings have an atmosphere of their own. Sure, you don’t get the warmth of the summer sun, but there’s something magical about the winter months, and winter weddings can be that extra bit special. Plus, they are far more affordable!
If you do choose to get married in the winter, bear in mind that a winter wedding isn’t quite as straightforward as a summer one. So, check out these six top tips for a winter wedding and ensure your big day runs as smooth and stress-free as possible.
Dress for the season
When it comes to choosing wedding outfits, a winter wedding offers something very different to a summer wedding, with a whole different colour palette to experiment with. Style aside, it’s important to remember to be practical and layer up (thick tights under a wedding dress will work wonders). Don’t forget about bridesmaids, ushers or anyone else who you’ll need to keep warm and cosy, to keep out the winter chill.

Get a ‘Plan B’ for bad weather
This being the UK, you can bet your best umbrella on rain making an uninvited appearance on your winter wedding day. A little bit of drizzle won’t do a whole lot of harm, but if it starts tipping it down, things could get challenging. Therefore, it’s essential to think things through beforehand. Allow extra travel time, just in case a downpour holds up traffic and consider small details, like having somewhere to put wet umbrellas (see tip #4).

Visit the venue at night
In sharp contrast to a summer wedding, much of your winter wedding reception will take place once the sun’s gone down. As it’ll be dark, the venue’s lighting is all the more important. So, make sure you visit in the evening and suss out the atmosphere – is it warm, cosy and inviting? Make sure your photographer checks it out too (see tip #6).

Set up a coat room
A small but essential element of a winter wedding. There will need to be a place to put those big heavy winter coats, as well as the aforementioned wet umbrellas, just in case the heavens should open.
Consider a wintery theme
With a winter wedding, there’s so much to play with when it comes to colour and decor. There’s also a range of themes you could incorporate, whether inspired by nature in winter, Halloween, Christmas or just a general winter festive feeling. Interior lighting comes into its own in winter (candles, fairy lights etc.), while music and entertainment can take on a wintery twist. In short, your winter wedding has the chance to be memorable!
Snap up a great photographer
You can create a winter wedding wonderland that looks sensational, but it means nothing without a skilled photographer to capture the beauty of your big day. Do your research and find someone with a flair for shooting without natural light. Then, get them involved in the lighting of your wedding venue!
Remember that outside photography is not only dependent on the weather but also the amount of daylight. It will start to get dark around 3 pm in the winter, so an earlier wedding ceremony is essential if you want plenty of outside photos. Consider a midday ceremony (or earlier) to give yourself enough daylight!