This month I will again be the expert judge for Photocrowd and their Bake Food Competition. The competition is open from from 16th Feb to 23rd March.
The words ‘Baked food’ might conjure up delicious images of impressive cakes and gently browning loaves, but it can be so many things besides. Each culture has their own go-to selection of baked goods, sometimes cooked in an oven, or perhaps on hot stones or in hot ashes. Photograph any food you like for this contest, so long as it’s been baked.
As the expert judge, my winner and the crowd’s favourite win premium L.Type prints worth over £30. Print with the world’s only 400ppi true continuous tone printer – beautiful prints for serious photographers. Various sizes available including A4, A3 and even 1m panoramas.
So if you have any baked food images which you are proud of, then why not enter them and see how they do?
You can you the link below to go directly to the competition on Photocrowd’s site.